Czech - Ghanaian Chamber of Commerce


The Italian Business Association of Ghana (IBAG), the European Business Organization in Ghana (EBO-Ghana) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) organized a cocktail at the La Ville Boutique Hotel, Osu on Monday September 10, 2018.

The event was held to highlight the Bank’s interest in offering financing opportunities for the large European and Ghanaian private sector and bank institutions in case of SME financing in Ghana.

The EIB is the largest multilateral lender and borrower in the world financing over 450 projects in 160 countries with almost 3,000 staff and 33 local offices around the world.

The EIB offers long term financing in the following sectors: Environment, Infrastructure, Innovation and SMEs mainly in developing economies.

Directors Katrin Bock from Luxemburg and Isabelle Van Grunderbeeck of the European Investment Bank in Abidjan presented on the different financing facilities for Ghana and west-Africa.

Guests present were from both the Ghanaian and European business communities among which were representatives from the logistics, construction, agricultural and banking sector and the European diplomatic community, including the EU Ambassador-Designate Diana Acconcia.