Czech - Ghanaian Chamber of Commerce


At times like this we look back at 2017 and forwards into 2018.

EBO-Ghana had a turbulent year, a change of government after our successful democratic elections required the need to rebuild our network with all the newly appointed Ministers and almost all newly appointed Heads of Departments and Government Institutions.

We can safely declare that we did well, and EBO-Ghana is, once more recognized as a serious partner and source of information to the new government. Good, strong and to be able to be successful in advocacy depends on relationships and most of all trust in your organization and people working for and with that organization.

Ghana’s economic outlook, seems to be brighter with the new government, ambitious plans have been and are being rolled out, now it’s time to put all these positive plans and ambitions into action, and we sincerely hope that that will be the case in 2018.

On the negative side, this government is picking up where the former government left concerning Local Content. There are several draft bills and bills with Local Content which are not only harmful for Ghana’s competitive position and Foreign Direct Investments but also for future and current European investors and companies, limiting our possibilities to do business in Ghana.

EBO-Ghana also went through several changes and developments: Gauthier Pourcelle of the French Chamber is now the Board Chairman and the United Kingdom and Hungarian Business Chambers have joined the French, German, Dutch, Danish and Italian Chambers.

For 2018, EBO-Ghana is changing attention: advocacy towards Local Content and other business related problems need a strong and professional proactive EBO-Ghana and coordination with our Diplomatic representatives in Ghana.  To be able to offer that to the European business community we need serious funding and for that reason we will contact all European Businesses in Ghana in 2018.

At this moment, we The Board and staff of EBO-Ghana wishes all of you a wonderful and safe Christmas period and good start of 2018. And we wish that 2018 will be a great year for Ghana, Europe and Ghanaian-European Business.

Nico van Staalduinen

Executive Director EBO-Ghana

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