Czech - Ghanaian Chamber of Commerce


The Chamber of Commerce and Industry France-Ghana (CCIFG) in partnership with KPMG, is organizing a Business Breakfast to give an update on the 2017 Budget and its implication on businesses. This event is scheduled to take place on Thursday 11th May at Lucas College in Dzorwulu from 8:00am to 10:30am.

The Business Breakfast would provide a thorough update on the approved 2017 Budget that has begun to take effect, highlight on key changes made and its implications on businesses across sectors, correct any common misgivings, elaborate on certain compliance measures that have emerged and allow an insightful discussion on other related issues concerning the 2017 Budget to facilitate the smooth running of your business activities.

This event is free for all CCIFG members and GH¢125.00 for non members. Register by sending an email to  Non members can make payment before the event at the CCIFG premises or at the entrance of the Business Breakfast

Do not hesitate to contact the CCIFG for any further information regarding this event.

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