Czech - Ghanaian Chamber of Commerce


Changing times in Ghana, are leading to changing strategies of all companies, including EBO in Ghana.

Ghana’s speed of economic growth is picking up, Ghana is moving from Aid to Trade and the new government has starting rolling out new policies targeted to fast track the development of Ghana and raising the income of Ghanaians. EBO-Ghana supports that.

However, the Government sees Local Content especially Local Ownership as an absolute necessity to reach their goals and is introducing, proposing and changing some existing laws to limit and exclude new foreign investors, in some cases even already operating foreign investors in certain sectors.

EBO-Ghana has been involved in and against some of these Local Content proposals and managed, mostly with other institutions, to change the view of the Government on some of these Local Content proposals.  EBO has actively been informing Ghana and Ghanaian stakeholders on the consequences and dangers of wrongful, or less careful introduced Local Content laws in today’s Global World.

EBO-Ghana will for that reason in 2018 engage more in advocacy on free trade and market access for and by European Companies in Ghana. Professional Advocacy including legal support is expensive but absolutely necessary.

To be able to provide that advocacy EBO needs more resources to gather information with which we can support not only the Government of Ghana and explain to them the consequences of closing or narrowing a market for foreign investors but also be able to advocate on the necessity of European investors and protecting the interest of European Investors in Ghana.

To be able to do a good and professional job on behalf of European Businesses and business interests in Ghana, EBO is introducing the following new Memberships.

Platinum Membership –           annual fee 10,000 USD

Gold Membership –                 annual fee 5,000 USD

Platinum and Gold members are expected to be part of the sector information groups to be able to produce white books and policy papers on behalf of the European Business interest which we consider to be Ghanaian long term interests as well.

Further information will be provided in our subsequent newsletter and after that through your European National Chambers the EU Delegation and your European Embassies as well.

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