The meeting of the European Business Organization Worldwide Network (EBOWWN) would take place from Sunday 26th to Tuesday 28th November 2017 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
This is the first time the EBOWWN Global meeting is being held in Africa.
The overall objective of the meeting is to foster exchange of ideas and experiences among EBOs and with the Commission services, and to further develop the EBO Network, in particular in African countries.
The EBOWWN meeting will be organized in synergies with the EU-Africa Business Forum on 27th November and with the EU-Africa Summit from 29th to 30th November.
Interactions, sharing of information and experience between members of EBOWWN and young/emerging EBOs in African countries will be fully exploited on that occasion to encourage start-up and scale up of EBOs in African countries.
The events will take place at the Eurocham office and at the Palais de la Culture in Abidjan.