Czech - Ghanaian Chamber of Commerce


Leading business Delegations and investors from two of the Nordic countries, Denmark and Finland are set to embark on a 2-Day visit each to Ghana this month of November.

Some thirty-nine leading businesses and investors are expected to join Her Majesty the Queen of Denmark as part of a two-day State visit to Ghana from November 23rd to 24th.

The Danish business delegation is drawn from four key sectors including agriculture and food products, sustainability, the maritime sector, infrastructure and railways.

“The government has opened up lots of investment opportunities for both private and public-sector investment; talk of; Planting for Food and Jobs, One-Village-One-Dam, One-District-One-Factory”, Ambassador of Ghana to Denmark H.E. Amerley Ollennu Awua-Asamoa stated during a briefing session for the enthusiastic companies hoping to invest in Ghana.

The Ghana embassy in Denmark as part of plans to expose the investors to first-hand opportunities to expand their operations to the West African country hosted the briefing session to counsel them on the Dos and Don’ts of doing business in Ghana.

According to H.E. Awua-Asamoa, Ghana’s economy is growing and as a lower-middle income country has high prospects with demands for more advanced technology in areas such as maritime, agriculture and energy where Danish Industry and Companies have competencies.

The State visit by HM The Queen is expected to focus on the shared history, culture and business between the two countries and highlight support for the Danish-Ghanaian collaboration “From Aid to Trade”.

“This visit is intended to mark the transition of our relationship with Denmark- from AID to Trade. And whilst Ghana has benefited immensely for Danish AID, this transition is anticipated to make our relationship even stronger”, Ghana’s ambassador to Denmark H.E. Awua-Asamoa stressed.

On the part of Finland, a statement issued by the Finland Embassy in Ghana stated that the Minister of Foreign Trade and Development of Finland, Mr. Kai Mykkanen would visit Ghana from November 13th to 14th and he would arrive with a Business Delegation of more than 20 Finnish companies, representing areas such as Power, ICT, Telecommunications, CleanTech, Health and Wellbeing, and Education.

It said the timing of the visit was of particular significance, as it takes place during the year that marks Finland’s 100th Anniversary as an independent nation. It is also the year when Ghana celebrates its 60th Anniversary and Finland-Ghana diplomatic relations reaching 40 years.

The Finnish Ambassador to Ghana, Ms Pirjo Suomela-Chowdhury, said the visit is a clear indication of the strengthening business relations between Finland and Ghana, and a great opportunity to render them yet more dynamic. She noted that already there were many important Finnish companies doing business in Ghana.

It said Ms Suomela-Chowdhury believes that expanding trade between Finland and Ghana would offer many more opportunities for true win-win partnerships that would benefit both countries and their people for years to come.

The statement said while in Ghana, Minister Mykkänen, together with the Business Delegation, would be looking forward to meeting important high-level decision makers, as well as representatives of the private sector, to explore ways of further promoting trade between the two countries.

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