Czech - Ghanaian Chamber of Commerce


In the picture from left to right: Nico van Staalduinen – Executive Director EBO-Ghana; Bernd Lange –Chairman EU INTA and James Asare-Adjei – President of AGI

The EU International Trade Committee (INTA) led by its chairman Bernd Lange visited Ghana this week.

This committee came on a fact finding mission to Ghana and Ivory Coast, the 2 countries that signed the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement ahead of the EPA for the complete ECOWAS region.

Among the committee were pro and against voters of the IEPA with Ghana in the European parliament.

The European Union Delegation in Ghana organized this meeting with the European member states embassies, EBO-Ghana, the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) the Ghana Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ghana Fair Trade, Golden Exotics Limited, Blue Skies and other Ghanaian stakeholders at La Villa Boutique Hotel in Accra.

The Committee members interacted with Ghanaian stakeholders on the advantages and disadvantages of the IEPA signed and ratified by Ghana and the European Union.

William Hanna opened the discussions by asking stakeholders to give their views on the IEPA after which the pros and cons were discussed.

The President of the AGI; Dr. James Asare Adjei  touched upon the fact that even within the AGI there was a clear divide between the people/companies in favor and against the agreement but concluded that in general the EPA was a good agreement for Ghana .

The executive Director of EBO-Ghana; Nico van Staalduinen mentioned among others that Ghana would need support to train and educate the Ghana Revenue Authority on how to solve problems on future revenue losses that this agreement could create and on the fact that the EU should do more to assist Ghana on training and understanding of European standards by Ghanaians to create and increase export possibilities.

Mr. George Kporye, Corporate Affairs & Administrative Manager of Golden Exotics Limited noted that thanks to the EPA their company was able to continue their exports un-interrupted and the EPA safeguarded future exports.

After the meeting with the Ghanaian stakeholders The Delegation went off to a meeting with the Government of Ghana.

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