His Excellency William Hanna, Ambassador of the European Union to Ghana officially launched the Europe Week 2017 on Tuesday 2nd May 2017 on the super morning show on Joy FM, with the theme – “Celebrating 60 years of promoting trade and development in Ghana and across the globe”.
Series of activities have been held since then to mark the celebrations. There was the address by the Ambassador at a lecture held at the Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College on the topic “The European Union Agenda for Africa – Defense, Trade and Foreign Policies”.
There have also been a series of radio chats with some Ambassadors on Joy FM, which were always followed by a radio quiz. Winners of each radio quiz would be invited to the Europe Day Reception which would be held on 9th May at the EU Ambassador’s residence to crown the whole week celebration.
The Hungarian Ambassador to Ghana, Andras Szabo was there on Wednesday 3rd May on the Cosmopolitan Mix to talk about Hungary and the European Union. The German Ambassador to Ghana, Christoph Retzlaff was on the Drive Time to talk about Germany and the European Union. The Italian Ambassador to Ghana, Giovanni Favilli was also on the Drive Time to talk about Italy and the European Union.
There were also free movie nights at the Goethe Institute where the audience was thrilled to some Spanish and German movies.
The Europe week would be climaxed with the Europe Day Reception at the Ambassador’s residence on Tuesday 9th May 2017. Entry to this event is by invitation only.