Czech - Ghanaian Chamber of Commerce


On Monday the 19th of February 2018 at 8:00am, the Royal Netherlands Embassy and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency are jointly organizing a Monday morning meeting about the available Dutch Financial Instruments for companies who are investing in Ghana such as the Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF).

The DGGF provides Dutch SMEs doing business in developing countries and emerging markets with customized financing. Do you want to invest in DGGF countries, but have trouble getting the necessary finance? The DGGF facility Investing Dutch SMEs offers guarantees and direct financing with a repayment obligation, such as loans and equity investments in projects.

To increase local Ghanaian SMEs’ access to finance, the DGGF part Investment funds for local SMEs invest in funds which in turn invest in businesses in the DGGF countries. The DGGF enlarges its impact by investing in intermediary funds that are better placed to reach local Ghanaian SMEs.

This early bird meeting starts at 8 am (you are welcome as from 7.30 am) at the Royal Netherlands Embassy in the Windmill Room. The presentation will take an hour, after that there is an opportunity for questions and you will be offered coffee or tea and a small snack.

If you are interested please register by sending an e-mail with your name, company name and telephone number before 12:00 noon on Friday the 16th of February 2018. This is very important due to security reasons, otherwise you will not be allowed into the Embassy.  Please send the mail to:

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