DEKSTONE natural stone Ltd.
DEKSTONE natural stone Ltd. offers a wide range of building materials from natural stone with focus at wall and floor tiles for both interior and exterior. In our selection you can find natural stone of various types from all over the world. We also offer supplementary products for gluing, anchoring, protection and maintenance of the natural stone. Thanks to our professional machine equipment, we are able to provide contracts tailored to fit the needs of our customers. Our technical support department is ready to help with a technical design and solution in all stages of project and construction.
DEKSTONE assortment and services:
- floor tiles
- formatted floor tiles (interior)
- Flagstone (exterior)
- wall tiles
- formatted wall tiles (interior)
- Wallstone (interior and exterior)
- ktichen and bathroom countertops
- tailored products (stairs, ledges, fireplace tiling)
- building chemicals (protection and maintenance of the natural stone)
- technical support (standardized layering, complete systematic solutions etc.)